Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh, how I love this work! I got home from Uganda on Tuesday and got the call Thursday to capture Miss Ashley Victoria's arrival. What a sweet family to work with! I am honored to have been a part. The brothers of our families have played baseball together and even though the dads are rivals (heehee-FedEx and UPS) we've enjoyed knowing this family!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Here is Miss Willis Cait's debut.  I have loved meeting and spending time with this sweet, young family.  I have newborns coming soon, but here is her birth video.  Thank you Whitney and Chris for sharing your day with me!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Master Severin

I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted. I have kept a little more current on Facebook, so don't forget to check out First Moments Birth Photography there! I'll try to do some catchup over the next little bit.

 June 3, I got to help welcome Master Severin into the world! He made Carrie Ann (scroll all the way back to the beginning of First Moments) a big sister and was number 8 addition to this beautiful family. He evened the score with 4 girls and 4 boys! This birth was an amazing experience as it was at home (the momma's, not mine!) and in the water. I am so grateful to be with families like this one for such special events.

 Welcome Sevi!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Little Nicholas, again

I have gotten to really have fun with this sweet boy and his family. A few days after his birth, I got to meet big brother, who is just as adorable - just wait - and hang out with the family. Here are some favorites from the day.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Master Nicholas

Here is sweet Nicholas' debut. I have enjoyed going through these pictures and remembering what a great day we had! I hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Before and After...

Just got a couple of sneaks for the Mr. & Mrs. L. I will say that I am having a really hard time narrowing down this time! A week and a couple days ago, I was allowed to capture the birth of Master Nicholas. It was a beautiful day that played out beautifully. This little boy greeted us at 6:27 with bright eyes and a hearty appetite! Welcome Nicholas Vincent!